The English Bakery
British and Overseas Sweets & Savouries
"The Sunday roast's prominence in British culture is such that in a UK poll in 2012 it was ranked second in a list of things people love about Britain. Other names for this meal include Sunday lunch, Sunday dinner, roast dinner, and full roast."
(according to wikipedia)
This week Feb 14-15
Round Beef Roast
with roasties, gravey, green peas and yorkshire puddings
reserve your roast at:
sure reserve your roast at
or visit our shop.
Mail orders should be confirmed by us!
We made extra roasts for our salescounter, so while stock lasts they are available. You will find some nice pies as well.
SUNDAY ROAST is served with roasties (roasted potatoes carrot and parsnipp), Yorkshire Pudding and gravey.
ready-cooked, to be reheated in your oven at home at 150-160 'C for about 25-30 minutes with lid, then remove lid and add yorkshire puddings, heat for another 5-8 minutes
menus are subject to change!
subject to availability, if marked RED = sold out for his week
Deze week 14-15 februari
Runder Roast (ezelstuk)
met geroosterde aardappel, wortel en pastinaak, doperwtensalade, yorkshire pudding en jus
Om zeker te zijn: reserveer uw roast op
of kom langs in de winkel.
Bestellingen moeten worden door ons bevestigd!
We hebben extra roasts voor de losse verkoop beschikbaar (maar op = op). Er zijn ook ook pie's met diverse vullingen.
SUNDAY ROAST wordt gerserveerd met geroosterde aardappelen en groenten, Yorkshire Pudding en jus.
kant en klaar om thuis warm te maken in uw oven op 150-160 'C plm 25-30 minuten met deksel, dan deksel verwijderen, yorkshire puddings erbij zetten en nog 5-8 minuten doorverwarmen.
wijzigingen voorbehouden!
zo lang de voorraad strekt, als ROOD gemarkeerd, dan is de roast voor deze weeek uitverkocht.
Pay by Card shop
We accept all major cards!
opening might be earlier:
the shop opens when our fresh scones are ready
closing might be later:
as long as we are finishing our production and cleaning up
the shop stays open.
You can reach us at
(C) The English Bakery